OutSystems Developer Cloud (ODC) is the current low-code, cloud-native offer by OutSystems built on a foundation of AWS native cloud services.
It's mainly composed by two distinct parts: the development Platform and the Runtime.
While all applications are built and deployed using the development Platform, the Runtime hosts and runs all the deployed applications.
What does ODC provide to each customer?
ODC overall offer and high level architecture diagram
As an ODC customer, one has the following features and functionalities available:
- Access to multi-tenant development Platform services;
- A Runtime setup, composed by isolated and independent stages: Development, Test and Production;
- A set of isolated, encrypted and scalable databases and data stores for the development Platform services data;
- An isolated, encrypted and scalable relational database for each Runtime stage;
- A built-in Identity Service, to keep user identities secure.
All data not meant to be available in clear text is considered "secret data", such as API Keys.
ODC stores all this data in a Secrets Manager.
Component description
Based on the above overall diagram, we briefly describe each component here, for better compreension of the referred architecture diagram:
- CDN - is the Content Delivery Network. CDN is a globally distributed set of servers who ensure a low network latency for routing requests. It caches static files, lowering end user load times. CDN verifies the public key certificate attached to the requests: for the outsystems.dev, in the case of the development Platform requests; and for the outsystems.app or any customer's custom domain, for Runtime requests;
- WAF - is the Web Application Firewall. It runs on CDN protecting both the development Platform and Runtime stages, against common web exploits and bots;
- NATS - the acronym for Neural Autonomic Transport System. It's a secure messaging system which manages all internal requests between the development Platform and the Runtime stages. It protects private endpoints from external access;
- Built-in Identity Service - it's responsible for verify if each request is being made by an authenticated and authorized user
Available Tools provided to OutSystems
To access both the development Platform and Runtime operations, Outsystems provides ODC Studio and ODC Portal.
The ODC Portal is the key tool in ODC and each Customer will have its own, or manage its own Organization in ODC through the ODC Portal.
On the other hand, ODC Studio is standalone native application, which runs in different Operating Systems, such as Microsoft Windows or Apple's MacOS (both Intel and Apple Silicon) and it's available to developers, for download at the ODC Portal, right after they login.
ODC Studio is the tool of choice for Application building in ODC.
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